What is Vivaer?

At the heart of the Vivaer system is a unique and precise radiofrequency-based technology. This technology gently reshapes and remodels the nasal airway by targeting specific tissues in the nasal passages. It does so without the need for incisions, surgery, or any external devices, making it an attractive option for those seeking relief from nasal congestion or breathing difficulties. Vivaer has been found to be effective in addressing a range of nasal airway issues, including nasal valve collapse, chronic nasal congestion, and breathing difficulties. Many individuals reported significant improvements in their ability to breathe more freely and comfortably after undergoing this procedure. 

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Is there a recovery process for Vivaer?

After the Vivaer procedure, you may experience some mild discomfort or congestion in the immediate hours following the procedure. Most patients can return to their regular daily activities, including work and light exercise, within a few days to a week after the procedure, depending on individual comfort and recovery. You may experience minor swelling or bruising around the nasal area, which should dissipate in a few days. To ensure the recovery process is going smoothly, attend all scheduled follow-up appointments.

What should I expect with Vivaer?

The Vivaer procedure involves a flexible catheter with a radiofrequency device at its tip. The catheter is inserted through your nostrils, and the radiofrequency device is activated to deliver controlled energy to specific areas within your nasal passages. The energy emitted by the device gently reshapes and remodels nasal tissues to enhance airflow. These are some of the benefits you may experience after the procedure:

Reduced nasal obstruction

By reshaping and remodeling nasal tissues, the procedure can help alleviate nasal obstruction, making it easier to breathe and reducing the sensation of congestion.

Enhanced quality of life

Improved nasal breathing can lead to an enhanced overall quality of life. Patients often report feeling less fatigued, sleeping better, and experiencing fewer breathing-related discomforts, such as snoring or mouth breathing.

Minimally invasive

Vivaer is a minimally invasive procedure, which means that it typically involves less pain, shorter recovery times, and fewer potential complications compared to traditional surgical interventions.

Long-lasting results

While individual experiences may vary, the results of Vivaer are often long-lasting. You can enjoy the benefits of improved nasal airflow and reduced nasal obstruction for an extended period, potentially eliminating the need for more invasive surgical options.

The extent of improvement and the duration of your results can vary depending on factors such as the severity of your nasal condition, individual healing processes, and lifestyle factors.

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A Comprehensive ENT Approach

Within Dion Health's network of ENTs, a proficient team of Ear, Nose, and Throat colleagues and associates is dedicated to creating personalized nasal breathing treatment plans, integrating innovative solutions like Vivaer treatment for nasal airways. With a focus on addressing sleep apnea and enhancing respiratory function, their collaborative approach ensures comprehensive care, offering effective solutions and improved sleep quality for patients.

Why choose the San Francisco Center for TMJ and Sleep Apnea?

At the San Francisco Center for TMJ and Sleep Apnea, we pride ourselves on having a professional team dedicated to providing quick and easy diagnosis and treatment plans that yield results. Our practice encompasses a wide range of services, including TMJ treatments, advanced orthodontics, and the innovative Maxillary Skeletal Expanders (MSE), a non-surgical alternative for adults with specific palate and jaw issues. With a full spectrum of evidence-based treatments and various support services available in-house, we are dedicated to creating an exceptional patient experience while saving them time and money. Call us today for a consultation.

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Vivaer FAQ

What is Vivaer, and how does it work?

Who is a candidate for Vivaer?

What are the benefits of choosing Vivaer for nasal obstruction?

How long does the Vivaer procedure take, and is there any recovery time?

How long do the effects of Vivaer last?

How does CT Scanning contribute to the effectiveness of Vivaer treatment?

What is Vivaer, and how does it work?

Vivaer is a revolutionary non-surgical treatment designed to address nasal airway obstruction. It utilizes radiofrequency technology to gently reshape and tighten the tissues within the nasal passages, reducing blockages and enhancing airflow. The procedure is minimally invasive and typically performed in the office under local anesthesia.

Who is a candidate for Vivaer?

Vivaer is ideal for individuals suffering from nasal breathing difficulties due to issues like nasal valve collapse, turbinate swelling, or other structural irregularities. A thorough assessment by our experts can determine if Vivaer is an appropriate solution for your specific condition.

What are the benefits of choosing Vivaer for nasal obstruction?

Vivaer offers several advantages, including a quick procedure with minimal discomfort, no incisions or sutures, and the ability to resume daily activities shortly after treatment. Unlike traditional surgical interventions, Vivaer provides noticeable improvements in nasal airflow without significant downtime.

How long does the Vivaer procedure take, and is there any recovery time?

The Vivaer procedure typically takes around 15 to 30 minutes to complete. As it is minimally invasive, patients can return to regular activities immediately after the procedure. Some mild swelling or congestion might occur temporarily, but this typically resolves within a few days.

How long do the effects of Vivaer last?

The benefits of Vivaer can vary depending on individual factors. Some patients experience long-lasting improvements in nasal airflow, while others may require occasional maintenance treatments to sustain the results. Our experienced professionals will guide you on the best approach for your unique needs.

How does CT Scanning contribute to the effectiveness of Vivaer treatment?

CT scans are instrumental in optimizing the effectiveness of Vivaer treatment by offering a comprehensive view of the nasal passages. Vivaer, a minimally invasive procedure addressing nasal airway obstruction, benefits from detailed anatomical insights from CT scans. These scans help identify structural issues contributing to airflow limitations, such as nasal septum deviations or valve collapse. By incorporating CT scan data, healthcare providers can customize Vivaer treatments to address specific nasal obstructions, improve breathing, and enhance patient outcomes. While CT scans provide valuable insights into anatomical structures, the information is for general understanding. The role of CT scans in Vivaer treatments may vary based on individual cases. A comprehensive evaluation, including clinical assessments and personalized medical advice, is recommended for precise diagnosis and treatment planning. Diagnostic modalities should be chosen based on the specific clinical context and the information needed for optimal patient care.

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Founder & Clinical Director Amin Samadian, D.D.S.

Dr. Samadian is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and graduate of the prestigious University of the Pacific Dental School in San Francisco. He has years of clinical hands-on training in full-mouth rehabilitation, cosmetics, implantology, and jaw dysfunction disorders. With a parallel clinical interest and pathway, He continued building his particular set of skills over the years by completing training and coursework in TMD and Sleep Breathing Disorders with the American Academy of Facial Esthetics, and the Misch Institute.

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