What is NightLase?

NightLase offers a convenient and comfortable option to address sleep-related breathing issues without more invasive surgical interventions. It involves a specially calibrated laser to heat and tighten the soft tissues in the throat, including the uvula (the fleshy hanging ball at the back of the mouth) and soft palate (the muscular part of the back of the roof of the mouth). These soft tissues are often the culprits behind snoring and airway obstructions during sleep. NightLase is designed to stimulate collagen production in that area, naturally firming and tightening the tissues to reduce the tendency of those areas to vibrate and block the airway. 

sleeping happily

What should I expect from NightLase?

NightLase treatment usually involves a series of sessions, typically spaced a few weeks apart. The number of sessions needed can vary depending on the severity of your condition and your response to the treatment. The actual NightLase procedure is generally painless. Patients often describe it as a gentle heating sensation in the treated area. You should gradually experience improved sleep quality, reduced snoring, and better breathing throughout the treatment. Some individuals may notice changes after just a few sessions, while others may require a longer treatment series to enjoy the full benefit. 

Is there a recovery period for NightLase?

NightLase typically involves no downtime or recovery period. After a NightLase treatment session, you can return to your day without interruptions. The experience can vary from person to person, and some individuals may have mild, temporary throat discomfort, dryness, or a feeling of fullness. These sensations typically resolve on their own within a day or so.

You will need some time to experience the full benefits of NightLase, as natural collagen is generated in the treated area. To ensure the best results, follow our post-treatment instructions and attend any scheduled follow-up appointments so we can monitor your progress and address any concerns you may have regarding your treatment.

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Why choose the San Francisco Center for TMJ and Sleep Apnea for NightLase?

At the San Francisco Center for TMJ and Sleep Apnea, our professional team provides a groundbreaking, comprehensive, integrated approach to healthcare. We deliver a range of evidence-based therapies under one roof. Our interdisciplinary approach ensures that we diagnose and create personalized treatment plans for sleep apnea, snoring, and other airway-related issues that deliver quick and easy results. We are committed to extraordinary patient care and are honored to be recognized as the leading experts in the field. 

NightLase FAQ

What is NightLase, and how does it work?

Is NightLase painful?

How many sessions of NightLase are required for optimal results?

How long do the results of NightLase last?

How can CT Scans aid in the NightLase treatment process?

What is NightLase, and how does it work?

NightLase is a non-invasive laser treatment aimed at improving snoring and sleep apnea symptoms. The procedure involves using laser energy to stimulate collagen production in the tissues of the throat, which helps tighten and firm the airway. This tightening effect reduces the vibrations that lead to snoring and can help alleviate mild to moderate sleep apnea symptoms.

Is NightLase painful?

No, NightLase is a virtually painless procedure. Patients typically experience a warming sensation during the treatment, but discomfort is minimal. The procedure is non-surgical and does not require any anesthesia, making it a comfortable option for those seeking relief from snoring and sleep apnea symptoms.

How many sessions of NightLase are required for optimal results?

The number of NightLase sessions needed can vary depending on the individual and the severity of their symptoms. Generally, a series of three sessions, spaced a few weeks apart, is recommended for optimal results. Some patients may experience noticeable improvements after the first session, while others may require additional treatments for maximum benefits.

How long do the results of NightLase last?

The results of NightLase can vary from person to person, but many enjoy reduced snoring and improved sleep apnea symptoms for up to a year or more. After the initial series of treatments, periodic maintenance sessions may be recommended to sustain the benefits. Your healthcare provider will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs and goals.

How can CT Scans aid in the NightLase treatment process?

CT scans play a crucial role in the NightLase treatment process by providing detailed insights into the oral and facial anatomy. NightLase, a non-invasive laser treatment for snoring and sleep apnea, benefits from precise anatomical information. CT scans help identify potential obstructions, such as airway narrowing or soft tissue abnormalities, contributing to snoring and sleep apnea. By visualizing the patient's airway structure, healthcare providers can tailor NightLase treatment plans more accurately, ensuring targeted laser therapy for optimal results. While CT scans provide valuable insights into anatomical structures, the information is for general understanding. The role of CT scans in NightLase treatments may vary based on individual cases. A comprehensive evaluation, including clinical assessments and personalized medical advice, is recommended for precise diagnosis and treatment planning. Diagnostic modalities should be chosen based on the specific clinical context and the information needed for optimal patient care.

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