Dion Health Clear Braces are a discreet and effective solution for achieving a straighter, more aligned smile. Our brackets are custom-printed for every patient, making the treatment faster and more effective. Our clear braces are designed to address various dental concerns, providing a comfortable and aesthetic orthodontic treatment option. Clear braces work similarly to traditional braces, but they are made from transparent materials that blend seamlessly with your teeth.
What is the treatment experience?
Undergoing a smile correction treatment at San Francisco Center for TMJ and Sleep Apnea is a journey marked by personalized care and remarkable results. Our expert team, led by Dr. Amin Samadian, will begin with a thorough assessment of your orthodontic needs and goals. You can trust that we will apply our expertise with orthodontics to ensure your joints are in an optimal position–we are renowned for this and have years of experience fixing other people's mistakes.